The use of Social Media networks in Spain is still growing according a study of Nielson “Spain is digital”. According to this agency the use of Twitter in Spain has grown 162% over the last twelve months but Facebook is still leading the rankings. Also the Spanish social network Tuenti is not doing bad at all.
According to the latest study of Nielson the usage of Twitter has grown the last year over 162% to 5,3 million users. Another agency, Comscore, says Spain has now 5,4 million users. The usage of Twitter has grown big time in 2011 but Facebook is still the king. Mark Zuckerbergs social network has 17,4 million users in Spain while the Spanish counterpart Tuenti has some 4,4 million members.
Strange enough Comscore says Facebook has less users, 16,97 million, and Tuenti has more members, 9,3 million. The difference is the fact that Comscore uses other methods to check the active users. In this study one did not look at the numbers of Google+, the social network which is growing rapidly but does not share its numbers (yet). Also Pinterest is left out of this study although the fact they are growing worldwide as well.
Spanish internet people used 203,1 million minutes of their time on Twitter, 4.6 billion minutes on Facebook and 900 million minutes on Tuenti.
One can say that social media in Spain is booming business and small businesses should try to establish a good presence on the various networks to gain more customers.